Appealing Oregon Property Taxes
Well, its that time of year again, our first big rainstorm of the season is about to hit the Portland area tonight AND our property tax bills have arrived in the mail. As in every year, I then get emailed a lot asking how to appeal them. Keep in mind that its tough in Oregon as we have two values..... The RMV or real market value and the "Assessed Value' which is limited (with exceptions) to a maximum (MAV) of 103% of the previous years assessed value. Your taxes are paid on the assessed value, regardless of what the RMV says the value is.
If you want to look into appealing, follow THIS LINK to the State of Oregon site. Keep in mind you MUST appeal before the end of December.
I have also included pages to the tri-county tax offices. Washington, Multnomah and Clackamas as well as Yamhill along with Clark County, Washington. Click on the appropriate county name to access the page.
As always, if you have questions please feel free to email or call us. We also suggest you contact competent legal assistance if pursuing a challenge.
Thanks, have a wonderful weekend and Go #1 Ducks! ROB