When winter finally makes an exit, the snows recede and the sun comes out, a host of chores to put the exterior of the house back in order greets us. The good news is that what seems at first like a lot of work is actually more of an inspection to see how much work we must do. Here is a checklist to help you survey any winter damages and get the actual work out of the way:
- Check rain gutters and downspouts for loose or leaky areas. Make sure all are debris is cleared away to insure proper drainage.
- Fill any low areas with compacted soil to minimize water pooling or flooding. Protect your foundations from water damage and eliminate stagnant water, which allows insects to breed.
- Probe wood trim around the exterior of the house with a screwdriver to locate any loose spots. Make necessary repairs before rain damages the wood.
- Examine the roof for lost or damaged shingles. Consider the age of the roof to determine whether you need to start a replacement fund. Engage a qualified roofer to inspect the flashing around skylights, vents and chimneys.
- Check the outside of the chimney for damages. Hire a certified chimney sweep to clean and inspect the inside of the flue.
- Move firewood at least two feet from the home and elevate it at least 18 inches off the ground.
- Inspect concrete slabs for shifting and cracking. Make sure they drain away from the house. Fill cracks with filler or caulk, then power-wash and seal the concrete.
- Check hoses and faucets for damage from freezing. If you can stop the flow of water from a faucet with your finger, pipes inside the house may need replacement. Contact a certified plumber for an in-depth inspection if you suspect this is the case.
- Have a qualified HVAC contractor clean and service the air conditioning system and clean the coils. Change all interior filters. Schedule periodic replacement to ensure peak performance.
- Check lawn equipment to make sure it is ready for use. Make sure it is clean and blades are sharp.
As you inspect the home for damages, keep a careful list to help you prioritize the work and acquire any supplies you need to complete the tasks. When you are finished, go back over your list to make sure you did not miss anything. Now you can enjoy the spring weather!